Ink with digital halftone. Sarasota folken lovin' on Fancy Rat, town heroes of the indie music scene.
SRQ is small, but delightfully colorful and electric for a gulf coast locale. There's an unpredictable creative energy here that I thrive on. Also, I hope to do more illustrations like this over the summer! Nothing I love more than to sketch at shows. Gets me pumped.
John Ringling held a many important titles in his lifetime, serving as president and chairman for a number of companies in the railway industries. What I do admire about him is that he kept his cool. Apparently Ringling was quite reserved and polite, despite his stunning wealth and prestige. Not to menion, his refined taste for baroque art and Italian architecture continues to bless Sarasota with a fine collection of history on display at the Ringling museum.
Illustration about a colleague who's trying to quit. Acrylics on bristol. I wanted to emphasize the weight of that monkey and the uncomfortable agitation of the student's addiction. Everybody has to deal with the monkey-mind distraction time to time.
Book illustrations for class. I chose In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan: A must-read for all you who enjoy the surreal, and strangely comforting imaginary worlds.